Melbourne 2022
A Kickstart for Collaboration: Sparking Innovation in Regulatory Practice
17 – 20 October 2022
Melbourne, Australia
IAGR2022 A Kickstart for Collaboration: Sparking Innovation in Regulatory Practice built on the great discussions we had in Boston on disruption and sparking global regulatory innovation.
IAGR2022 looked at lessons learnt through a time of disruption and the lens of innovation to see how they could help point us to a more front-foot regulatory future.
How did the last two years change our way of thinking? Where has it strengthened our resolve on what we knew before? How has it encouraged us to throw off old thinking, processes or policies and to best reflect the cultural, technological and consumer change seen over the last 20 months?
View the conference programSpeakers
Over 40 conference speakers and panellists came to Melbourne to challenge and inspire delegates towards bold innovation in regulatory practice. Check out the speaker list.
View speakers from IAGR2022With thanks to our sponsors:
Platinum sponsor

Bronze sponsor

Opening reception sponsors

Media queries
If you’re a media outlet interested in IAGR2022, please contact Carla Ellerby on