
IAGR’s Advisory Sub-Committees provide a significant opportunity for participating members

Consisting of specialist representatives from IAGR’s Board of Trustees and across the membership, the Sub-Committees draw on subject and industry experts to:

  • Provide a forum to exchange industry best practice
  • Help develop IAGR policy positions
  • Identify issues affecting regulators and
  • Prompt discussion on the issues that matter for our members

Each Advisory Sub-Committee is chaired by a member of the board and supported by a committee of member experts and the IAGR support team. Groups help facilitate engagement and leverage the shared experience and knowledge of participants to support the IAGR membership.

Participating members enjoy exposure to thought leadership and industry practice and shape the voice of IAGR into the future through their input.

IAGR Advisory Sub-Committees


The IAGR Communications Advisory Sub-Committee was established to provide oversight on how and when IAGR communicates key information and news concerning gambling regulation and industry stakeholders, including known and emerging issues, promote IAGR and its mission and achievements to increase its profile and reach, as well as facilitate and enhance connection, engagement, dialogue and collaboration amongst international gambling regulators.

Membership is open to all IAGR Members, with nominations are always welcome.


The Membership Advisory Sub-Committee is responsible for coordinating membership outreach with new and existing members. This committee seeks to provide members with a best practice experience.

Membership is open to all IAGR Members, with nominations always welcome.

Responsible Gambling

The IAGR Responsible Gambling Sub-Committee is a special purpose advisory group that is responsible for drafting multi-jurisdictional policies and advice as required.

Meeting on an as needed basis, membership is drawn directly from the IAGR Board of Trustees and invited experts drawn from the IAGR membership.

To find out more about this committee, or to become involved contact IAGR.


IAGR’s Statistics Advisory Sub-Committee has an overarching aim to positively inform the gaming regulatory sector of the most pressing issues affecting our community. This is pursued through:

  • Funding the generation and publication of new gaming regulation research
  • Developing a research and insights hub, available to IAGR members, to translate academic research in a format relevant to regulators and policy makers globally
  • Connecting IAGR and its members to global research centres and promoting research and learning opportunities Membership is open to all IAGR Members

Past research undertaken by the IAGR Statistics Advisory Committee is available to IAGR Members through the Members Only area of the IAGR website.

Membership is open to all IAGR Members, with nominations always welcome.


The IAGR Conference Sub-Committee is a new committee, established in 2021, to provide oversight to the planning of the IAGR Annual Conference. This conference is responsible for all aspects of the conference, including liaising and undertaking all aspects of coordination with the conference host jurisdiction.

The Conference Sub-Committee is currently focused on the planning for the 2022 Conference to be held in Melbourne, Australia.

Membership is open to all IAGR Members, with nominations always welcome.

IAGR International Regulatory Awards

The IAGR International Regulatory Awards Sub-Committee is a new committee, established in 2021, to provide oversight to the inaugural International Regulatory Awards. The Awards are an opportunity to recognise regulators and their teams who have made outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of gaming regulation.

The Awards Sub-Committee is currently focused on the 2022 IAGR International Regulatory Awards, which will be announced at the IAGR Annual Conference in Melbourne, Australia.

In 2022, three awards will be provided:

  • Regulatory Excellence – Recognising excellence in gaming policy and regulation
  • Regulatory Innovation – Recognising a new or innovative policy and regulatory approaches
  • Best Regulatory Campaign – recognising the most creative, compelling and impactful responsible gambling / safer gambling communication campaign.

Membership is open to all IAGR Members, with nominations always welcome.