Caroline Kongwa

Vice President

Caroline Kongwa

Caroline Kongwa heads the National Gambling Board (NGB) of South Africa (SA). Backed by significant experience in legal, regulatory and compliance matters, Caroline is an admitted attorney and currently finalising a doctorate in Banking Law.

During her time leading the NGB, Caroline has sought to position South Africa as a leader in the regulation of gambling in Africa, guiding the establishment of a self-funding model for the NGB through the collection of monitoring fees from an improved National Central Electronic Monitoring System that monitor’s all installed and active Limited Payout Machines in the gambling industry of South Africa, thus, contributing to job opportunities and generation of revenue.

Caroline strongly believes IAGR provides a platform for networking and learning at an African, Regional and Global level from Global best practices and standards in regulating gambling. As an IAGR Trustee, Caroline would like to enhance the engagement opportunities of gambling and gaming regulators on the African continent with stakeholders around the world.